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Day 77

At midnight in Jerusalem and in Kyiv, five hours before the solstice, day 666 of the Russia-Ukraine war will close and day 77 of the Israel's operation in Gaza will begin.

Today, December 21st, is also our 10-year wedding anniversary (& the day after the birth of our nephew, as it turned out).  10 happy and wonderful years, and 4 kids later, I couldn't be more thankful and blessed!  As if to commemorate, a nice lineup of planets is joining the Moon in the night sky.

God works in mysterious ways

Last week, on 12/12, a Turkish lawmaker claimed Israel would be struck by the wrath of his false god.  Instead, he was immediately struck by a heart attack and died two days later.

Yet Israel continues to resist the many hints from God and discharged two IDF solders for reciting the Shema through a Gaza mosque PA.  A few see the signs, like Israel's National Security Minister, named after the youngest son of Aaron.

Last week also, Iron Dome intercepted a stray rocket from Gaza which would have leveled Al Aqsa mosque and possibly damaged the Dome of the Rock.  Will another stray level the Mount in preparation for the Third Temple?

Hints from God to everyone

As we enter the window of the margin of error at the span of 2000 years since Jesus ascended, there are countless similarities between the present and end times predicted in Bible prophecy.  In fact, it is likely that we are the fig tree generation.


Some of the most specific and ominous descriptions about end times are in the book of Revelation.  Of those, one of the most iconic and historically confusing is a prophecy concerning the Image of the Beast.  But now enter the modern world, in which the concept of AI "chatbots" impersonating humans is commonplace (as I've written about previously).

Revelation 13:15

He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.

Donald, Bibi, Joe, & Santa

Several days ago I saw a startling newsletter from that demonstrates the crisis we're in.  In general, I like what Andrew Torba has accomplished, but I would guess his worldview is based on reformed and dominion theology.  This results in being blindsided by end-times realities.  The same theology also stunts his understanding of spiritual warfare and the ways our enemy works in this world.

Gab has now unveiled a series of "chatbots" which can impersonate real-life people.  These artificial personas include Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu, Joe Biden, and Santa Claus.  But where can you draw the line between fact and fiction?

It's ironic, if not revealing, that Santa Claus and other fictitious characters would be listed right along side purportedly real people.  The truth is, it's all a fake substitute for reality.  Just like the Antichrist will be.

Never before in history has Revelation 13:15 made more sense.

Merry Christmas!  And while celebrating His First Coming, be watching for His Second Coming!

Are you ready?  Are you trusting in His sacrifice on the cross to save you from your sins, or relying on your own good works?  We have all sinned and broken God's law.  Don't delay in admitting your sin and giving your life to Jesus!

Salvation ABCs

Or, has He already appeared, and you've been left behind?

For Those Left Behind