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DEW, AI, & Rev 13

Space-Based Beam Weapon

In Revelation 13 there is another beast that assists the first beast.  This second beast has the capability to publicly demonstrate a system to project pyr (fire, lightning) from an ouranos (sky, space) platform.

Rev 13:13

He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.

Among defense industries around the globe, particle-beam and laser weapons platforms, generally known as space-based Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) systems, seem to be the rage these days.

Some wonder if there is a connection between these systems and the wildfire in Hawaii, but that might imply a global government holding reigns on military assets and of course we assume that couldn't be true...

Intelligence in an Icon

Additionally, the second beast will didōmi (furnish, artificially) a pneuma (spirit or rational intelligence) into an eikōn (image, icon) of the first beast.  The word image is used in a similar way as we would say disk image.  It's also the origin of our modern word icon.  In modern terminology, you could say the second beast develops an Artificial Intelligence (AI) clone of the first beast.  Maybe this is as simple as tapping an icon on your phone and opening an app to receive guidance from the virtual AI assistant provided by the world government.

Rev 13:15

He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.

Recent leaps in development tools make it easier than ever to build AI algorithms into everything.  As a result, there has been an explosion of smartphone apps providing AI assistantsvirtual influencers, virtual girlfriends, and both translation and corruption of Biblical text.  Some apps offer the supposed ability to "talk" with historical figures.  Internet personalities are creating AI clones of themselves.  The startup advertises itself as a cloning service.  Facebook is advertising chatbots that impersonate celebrities.


It sounds like nonsense -- a personality clone, residing in a system image, accessible through an icon -- if you don't live in today's world.  I can imagine John, as he received this Revelation from the Lord Jesus about our present time, shaking his head at the insanity of it all.

Nothing New Under the Sun

The direction this is heading becomes clear, when AI is credited with the ability to create religionswrite sermons, and conduct services.  Recently apps have become available that reach new depths of deception (I'm not going to link to it): attempting to create a virtual Jesus and satan, but clearly both originate from the latter.

It's being discovered that interaction with AI is addictive.  The appearance of an intelligent entity, where every person is able to have a one-on-one personal relationship with the entity, while the entity simultaneously learns from all of its "relationships", is the ultimate attempt to make a counterfeit god.

Those paying attention might also note that DEWs and AI are a repackaging of ancient mythological or occult concepts (doctrines of demons).  The concept of fire or lightning striking down enemies and a personalized intelligent spirit or "spirit guide" are ancient ideas that reference satan's fall like lightning and the original deception that you can be like god.

He's Coming Soon

Thankfully, we can rest in the knowledge of the Blessed Hope that Jesus will be returning soon!  None of this takes the Lord by surprise.  Knowing this was all foretold can help our faith and provide discernment, while we wait for His Return.

Titus 2:11-13

For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ