Main Post
Simple Base
Dig a 2-3ft post hole and insert the 6x6 8ft post. Refill with dirt while checking the angle of the post with a vertical level. The post should lean slightly away from the direction of sunlight (Figure 3.1), but side to side the post should be kept as vertical as possible. This is to account for gradual settling forward in the direction of sunlight, since the center of gravity of the solar panels sits slightly forward of the center of the post.
Cut four sections of 4x4 post, 24in length, angled 45deg on one end. Drill a 3/4in through-hole on the longest face, 4in from the angled end.
Dig a 12in square and 12in deep hole centered about 18in from the main post, toward the direction of sunlight.
Remove additional dirt as necessary to allow one of the 24in angled post sections to be held against the main post, angled end about 6in above ground.
Arrange dirt to support the 16x8x4 concrete block at a 45deg angle centered and in tight contact with the bottom end of the 24in section. Reevaluate the vertical angle of the post and ensure that there is a slight angle rearward, even when applying pressure to the post forward. If necessary, apply rearward pressure to the post (releasing pressure against the block) while packing additional dirt under the block.
Use the pre-drilled 3/4in hole in the section to template a 1/2in hole to about 4.5in depth into the main post and fasten the 24in section to the main post using a 5/8 leg screw and washer.
When the main post is firmly held under forward pressure, at a slight rearward angle, replace dirt and pack firmly.
Dig three 12in post holes about 17in away from each of the other faces of the main post and remove dirt as necessary to allow the remaining 24in sections to be similarly fastened to the main post using 5/8 leg screws and washers (Figure 3.6). Recheck the vertical angle after each 24in section is attached. Refill the holes and pack firmly.