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What does the Bible say?

What does the Bible say about the layout and architecture of the universe?

There are some hints in the Creation record in Genesis:

Gen 1:6

And God saith, 'Let an expanse be in the midst of the waters, and let it be separating between waters and waters.'

Gen 1:7

And God maketh the expanse, and it separateth between the waters which are under the expanse, and the waters which are above the expanse: and it is so.

Gen 1:8

And God calleth to the expanse 'Heavens;' and there is an evening, and there is a morning -- day second.

Gen 1:9

And God saith, 'Let the waters under the heavens be collected unto one place, and let the dry land be seen:' and it is so.

Gen 1:14

And God saith, 'Let luminaries be in the expanse of the heavens, to make a separation between the day and the night, then they have been for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years,

Gen 1:15

and they have been for luminaries in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth:' and it is so.

Gen 1:16

And God maketh the two great luminaries, the great luminary for the rule of the day, and the small luminary -- and the stars -- for the rule of the night;

Gen 1:17

and God giveth them in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth,

Gen 1:18

and to rule over day and over night, and to make a separation between the light and the darkness; and God seeth that it is good;


Additional hints in Psalms:

Psa 148:3

Praise ye Him, sun and moon, Praise ye Him, all stars of light.

Psa 148:4

Praise ye Him, heavens of heavens, And ye waters that are above the heavens.


From hints, it sounds like the universe has an outer boundary: a water layer beyond the "heavens" or the "expanse".  This would imply both a finite universe and also impose a universal coordinate system.  The articles below, by Dr. Russell Humphreys, explain this in more detail.

Water Near Edge of Universe Bolsters Creation Cosmology

Creation Cosmologies Solve Spacecraft Mystery