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Twins Paradox

The Twins Paradox is a famous thought experiment showing a confusing potential outcome of time dilation predicted by Special Relativity.

NoneCan any of the academics writinganswering answersquestions in either of these physics.stackexchange threads (one referencing the other) seem to be able to provide a satisfactory explanation of the Twins Paradox:Paradox? You be the judge.

But,In predictablefact, predicted responses to this Relativity Challenge doare receivecovered good coverage.well.  AOn whimsicala overviewhumorous note, a summary of thesecommon argumentsassumptions are addressed in thethis satire Relativity Facepalm.

Before Einstein's theories of relativity, a universal frame of reference was generally accepted.  The Lorentz Ether Theory (LET) iscontinues to be a common alternate theory to relativity: The Twin Paradox in Special Relativity and in Lorentz Ether Theory