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Sun and Moon

The Sun and Moon, in relation to Earth, display some very remarkable and "coincidental" commonalities.

Sun and Moon rotate at the same velocity

Yes, it's true.  In addition to the Moon spinning at the same rate of rotation around the Earth (27 days), the Sun's average rotational velocity is also 27 days.

Sun and Moon appear to us as the same diameter


Why is the Moon exactly the same apparent size from Earth as the Sun? Surely this cannot be just coincidence; the odds against such a perfect match are enormous.

In fact, the distance to diameter ratio from Sun to Earth and Moon to Earth are both about exactly 108 (varying slightly due to slight elliptical orbits).  Interestingly,108 is a very interesting number: three to the 3rd multiplied by two to the 2nd.

108 = 3*3*3 * 2*2 = 3^3 * 2^2.

Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years

Genesis 1:14

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen

Romans 1:20