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Summer 2023
A 7 Year Covenant Confirmed With Many? It’s A Possibility This plan is a real possibilit...
Install Git via PowerShell
It's easy! Run: winget install --id Git.Git -e --source winget Then you'll see something like:...
The Bow
Gen 9 13: I do set my bow H7198 in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant ...
Full Server Backup
Using dd: Reference links: https:/...
Michelson and Morley
Often the null result of the 1887 Michelson-Morley experiment, as well as similar experiments at ...
Speed of Gravity
In General Relativity (GR), the speed of gravity is ignored or assumed to be infinite (warped spa...
GPS Proves Special Relativity?
Reference is often made to the Global Positioning System (GPS) as evidence for theories of relati...
Sagnac Effect
The French physicist Georges Sagnac is nowdays frequently cited by the engineers who work on de...
What does the Bible say?
What does the Bible say about the layout and architecture of the universe? There are some hints ...
Mach's Principle
If you think about Mach's Principle, it actually brings attention to some logical contradictions....
Nginx Reverse UDP & TCP Proxy
Reference: Ng...
Searchable One-Page KJV
Bible.html Entire KJV Bible and search functionality built into one HTML webpage. Many thanks...
Dead Sea Scrolls
Craig Davis Translation: Geza Vermes Translation: PDF: https:/...
Citadel Backup
Example backup script: # must be run as root cd /usr/local/citadel git add -A && git commit -m...
Bookstack Backup
Example shell script to backup Bookstack content: # must be run as root cd /var/www/bookstack ...
Install Citadel: curl | bash Answer questions during...
systemd Timer
As a modern systemd replacement for chron, the following is an example of oneshot Unit triggered ...
Twins Paradox
The Twins Paradox is a famous thought experiment showing a confusing potential outcome of time di...
What does the Bible say?
Finding... Nothing
After 90 years of searching, the strongest statement that can be made in favor of the existence o...