The genealogy of Jesus, with the names listed in three groups of 14 generations each.
When Joseph learned that Mary was pregnant, he decided to divorce her, but an angel told him to take her as his wife because it was the power of the Holy Spirit that had enabled her to be pregnant
After some astrologers saw an unusual star, they traveled westwards to find the place where the infant Jesus was. King Herod helped direct them, but then an angel told them not to go back to King Herod.
Following an angel’s instructions, Joseph took his family to the country of Egypt to escape from Herod.
Following an angel’s warning, Joseph and his family returned to Nazareth, and thus a prophecy about the Messiah was fulfilled.
John the Baptizer announced the coming of Jesus, and he baptized many people who heard his message.
John told the Pharisees and Sadducees that they needed to repent before he would baptize them.
John said that someone greater than him would soon come who would enable some of the people to change their lives and who would severely punish the others.
When John baptized Jesus, God showed that Jesus was his Son by sending the Holy Spirit upon him.
After Jesus fasted 40 days, Satan tempted him in various ways.
Jesus went to Galilee and preached that people needed to repent to belong to the group whom God would consider his people.
Jesus summoned four fishermen, who immediately left their work and went with him.
Jesus taught and healed many people when he was in Galilee District.
On a hillside, Jesus taught his disciples and others what kind of people God esteems.
Jesus taught that we should live in such a way that other people will see how we live and will praise God.
Jesus taught that it is important to obey all of God’s commandments.
Jesus taught that we should not be angry, and that we should quickly settle accounts with those whom we have wronged.
Jesus taught about the way to refuse to sin when we are tempted to do something wrong.
Jesus taught that people should not divorce their spouses.
Jesus taught that people should not add anything to make their words more credible when they promise to do something.
Jesus taught that everyone should be kind to all people, even to people who mistreat us.
Jesus taught that we should love the people whom we would not normally love.
Jesus taught how we should give to needy people. He also taught his disciples how to pray.
Jesus taught more about forgiving others.
Jesus taught about abstaining from food.
Jesus taught that we should do deeds that please God. That will be like putting treasures in heaven.
Jesus taught that we should be generous with what we possess.
Jesus taught that we should not try to serve God and accumulate money at the same time.
Jesus taught that we should not worry about having enough food and clothes.
Jesus taught that we should not condemn others for their faults since we have faults ourselves.
Jesus taught that we should not teach spiritual truth to those who will not appreciate it.
Jesus taught that God is ready to give good things to us if we persist in prayer.
Jesus taught that we should treat others as we would like them to treat us.
Jesus taught that we should try to walk on the narrow road that leads to heaven.
Jesus taught about how to recognize false prophets.
Jesus warned that he will reject those who do not do what God desires.
Jesus warned that undesirable things would happen to those who did not obey his teaching.
The crowds were amazed at Jesus, because he taught with his own authority.
Jesus healed a leper and made it possible for him to associate with people again.
Jesus healed from a distance a Roman officer’s servant because the officer trusted in him.
Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law.
Jesus healed many sick people and expelled demons from other people.
Jesus told a man what to expect if he went with Jesus. He told another man to follow Jesus immediately, not to wait until later.
The disciples were amazed when Jesus calmed a storm on the lake.
Jesus expelled some demons from two men.
Jesus showed that he had power to forgive sins as well as to heal a paralyzed man.
Jesus invited Matthew to go with him, and he told the Pharisees that they needed to repent.
Jesus illustrated why it was not appropriate for his disciples to fast, and that living according to his new message was better than following the old traditions like fasting.
Jesus healed a woman who had constant hemorrhaging. He also caused a young girl to become alive again.
Jesus healed two blind men.
Jesus expelled a demon, but the Pharisees accused him of doing such things by Satan’s power.
Jesus told his disciples to pray that God would send more workers to tell his message to those who were ready to respond.
Jesus selected twelve apostles and instructed them before sending them out to various places.
Jesus instructed his disciples to be wary of their religious leaders, and to endure when they are persecuted by people who refuse to accept the new message.
Jesus instructed his disciples that they should not fear those who persecute them.
Jesus instructed his disciples that they should be willing to suffer because of their faith in him.
Jesus instructed his apostles about the people whom God rewards, and then he sent them to various towns.
Jesus showed the messengers from John the Baptizer that he was the Messiah, and he told the people that John was the man like Elijah who was to prepare the way for the Messiah.
Jesus rebuked the people who refused to believe both him and John the Baptizer.
Jesus explained why the people of Corazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum would be punished more severely than the people of Tyre, Sidon, and Sodom.
Jesus thanked God for revealing his truth to uneducated people, and he urged the people to come to him to get rid of the burden of trying to obey religious laws.
Jesus showed the religious leaders that the Scriptures indicated that God permitted some people to disobey religious laws when they needed food. He also showed them that he had the authority from God to tell people what was right to do on the Sabbath.
Jesus healed a man on the Sabbath. At the same time, he told the Pharisees that they were mistaken in thinking that it was wrong to heal a person on the Sabbath.
Jesus explained that his acting humbly when he healed people was a fulfillment of prophecy.
Jesus refuted the argument that he was expelling demons by Satan’s power, and he warned that making such statements is an unforgivable sin against the Holy Spirit.
Jesus said that we can judge what people are like by seeing what they do.
Jesus told the Jewish leaders that the only miracle that they would see him do would be one like God did for Jonah.
Jesus taught that those who have had evil spirits expelled from them need to have their lives controlled by the Holy Spirit.
Jesus said that those who do God’s will are as important to Jesus as his own relatives are.
Jesus taught a parable about different kinds of soil.
Jesus told the disciples why he taught them using parables.
Jesus explained that the parable about the kinds of soil illustrates four different ways people respond to his teaching.
Jesus told a parable about wheat and weeds.
Jesus illustrated the effects of people letting God rule their lives.
Jesus’ use of parables fulfilled a prophecy in Scripture.
Jesus explained the parable about wheat and weeds. The wheat represents those who obey God, and the weeds represents those who disobey God. The reaping represents judgment.
Jesus illustrated the value of letting God rule our lives.
Jesus illustrated the value of understanding his parables.
Jesus did not do many miracles in Nazareth because people there rejected him as the Messiah.
Herod had John the Baptizer imprisoned and then killed because John criticized Herod for marrying his brother’s wife.
Jesus miraculously fedmorethan 5,000 people.
Jesus walked on Galilee lake, and then Peter tried to do the same.
Jesus healed many sick people in the Gennesaret region.
Jesus rebuked the religious leaders for ignoring God’s commands in order to uphold their own religious traditions.
Jesus said that people are defiled by the words that come out of their mouths, rather than by any kind of food that they eat.
Jesus explained that people’s inner thoughts are what make them unacceptable to God.
Jesus healed a non-Jewish woman’s daughter after testing the mother’s faith in him.
Jesus healed many people on a hillside near Galilee lake.
Jesus miraculously fed over 4,000 people.
Jesus again told the religious leaders that the only miracle that he would do for them was one like God did for Jonah.
Jesus rebuked the disciples for worrying about not having enough food.
Jesus commented on the implications of Peter’s recognition of Jesus being the Messiah.
Jesus began to teach the disciples about his coming death and resurrection.
Jesus taught the disciples more about what they would face as his disciples, and about his coming again.
Jesus’ appearance changed while Moses and Elijah talked with him on a mountain.
Jesus explained that John the Baptizer fulfilled the prophecy about Elijah returning.
Jesus healed an epileptic boy, and he rebuked his disciples for not having enough faith to do miracles.
Jesus again predicted his death and resurrection.
Jesus arranged for a miracle so that Peter could pay the Temple tax.
Jesus showed that being great in God’s sight means being as humble as a child.
Jesus taught that we need to take severe measures to keep us from sinning when we are tempted.
Jesus taught that God is deeply concerned if even one person goes astray from him.
Jesus taught about what we should do if someone sins against us and about agreeing when we pray.
Jesus told a parable to illustrate the need for forgiving others.
Jesus taught them God’s view of divorce, and about abstaining from marriage to give more time to serve God.
Jesus rebuked the disciples for trying to prevent children from coming to him.
A rich young man went away sad because Jesus told him to sell all his possessions.
Jesus taught how difficult it is for rich people to let God rule their lives, but there are rewards for those who leave family and possessions for his sake.
Jesus told a parable to illustrate how God will reward those who serve him.
For the third time Jesus predicted his death and resurrection.
Jesus taught that greatness in God’s sight means humbly serving others as Jesus did.
Jesus healed two blind men.
Jesus entered Jerusalem humbly on a donkey, but with great acclaim by the crowd.
Jesus chased buyers and sellers from the temple, and he rebuked the Jewish leaders for objecting to children praising him.
Jesus taught the disciples a lesson from what happened to a fig tree.
Jesus refused to state the basis for his authority, because the Jewish leaders refused to admit where John the Baptizer’s authority came from.
Jesus rebuked the religious leaders and said that it is more likely that God would accept notorious sinners than that he would accept them.
Jesus told a parable about the Jewish religious leaders rejecting him as Messiah.
Jesus told a parable about a wedding feast to illustrate what will happen to people who do not accept him as the Messiah.
Jesus taught his critics that they needed to give to God and to the government what they each required.
Jesus showed from the Scriptures that the spirits of God’s people are alive after death.
Jesus told his critics that the greatest commandments are to love God and to love others.
Jesus showed that the Messiah must be greater than King David, and not just his descendant.
Jesus warned the people against the hypocritical behavior of the religious leaders.
Jesus warned the religious leaders about preventing people from letting God rule their lives.
Jesus also warned the religious leaders about zealously encouraging others to believe what they teach.
Jesus rebuked the religious leaders about their silly ideas about supporting their promises with oaths.
Jesus also rebuked the religious leaders about paying attention to unimportant laws and at the same time ignoring important ones.
Jesus also rebuked the religious leaders about being greedy and selfish.
Jesus rebuked the religious leaders for being hypocrites and pretending to be righteous.
Jesus accused the religious leaders of being guilty of killing all the prophets.
Jesus expressed his sorrow about what would happen to Jerusalem.
Jesus told his disciples that Jerusalem would be destroyed.
Jesus told his disciples about the distressing things that would happen before his return.
Jesus told his disciples about the suffering that would come when Jerusalem was about to be destroyed.
Jesus warned his disciples not to believe false reports about his return, because everyone will see him when he comes.
Jesus told his disciples what will happen at the time of his return.
Jesus told his disciples how to know when the time of his return was near.
Jesus told his disciples to be ready because they do not know the time of his return.
Jesus told a parable to warn his disciples not to act wickedly, thinking that he would not return soon.
Jesus taught in a parable that his disciples should always be ready for his return.
Jesus told a parable to teach his disciples about making good use of what God has given them.
Jesus told a parable about how he will judge between those who have shown kindness to others and those who have not.
Jesus told his disciples of his coming arrest. The Jewish leaders planned how to seize Jesus.
Jesus commended a woman for showing her appreciation of him.
Judas agreed to betray Jesus for 30 silver coins.
Two disciples prepared the Passover meal. During the meal, Jesus said that Judas would betray him.
Jesus gave the disciples the bread and wine to symbolize his coming death.
Jesus prophesied that Peter would deny three times that he knew Jesus.
While the disciples slept, Jesus prayed that God would spare him from the coming suffering.
After Judas enabled men to seize Jesus, Jesus ridiculed them, but the disciples fled.
Jesus was put on trial before the Jewish Council.
Peter denied three times that he knew Jesus.
The Jewish religious leaders took Jesus to the Roman governor.
After Judas returned the money and hanged himself, the Jewish leaders bought a field with the money, in fulfillment of prophecy.
Jesus was put on trial before the governor.
The soldiers made fun of Jesus before taking him to be crucified.
Jesus was crucified, along with two bandits.
When Jesus died at about three o’clock, several unusual events occurred.
Jesus was buried.
The religious leaders arranged for Jesus’ tomb to be sealed and guarded.
After an angel appeared to several women and showed them the tomb was empty, Jesus appeared to them.
What the guards were told to tell people about why Jesus’ body was gone.
Jesus appeared to the apostles in Galilee and gave them final instructions.