Luke 1:1-4
Luke told Theophilus why he was writing about all that Jesus did.
An angel told Zechariah that his wife Elizabeth would bear a son, John.
An angel told a virgin named Mary that she would bear a son, to be named Jesus.
Mary visited Elizabeth.
Mary praised God.
What happened when John was born.
Zechariah praised God and predicted what his son would do.
Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
Responding to the angel’s announcement, shepherds went to see Jesus.
They circumcised Jesus and presented him to the Lord.
Simeon prophesied about what Jesus would do.
Anna praised God for Jesus and told others about him.
Jesus grew up in Nazareth.
What Jesus did in the Temple when he was a boy.
s1 The beginning of John the Baptizer’s ministry
John baptized Jesus.
The list of Jesus’ ancestors.
Luke 4:1-13
Jesus refused to do the things that Satan suggested to him.
Jesus began his work in Galilee district.
The people of Jesus’ hometown tried to kill him after he rebuked them for rejecting him.
Jesus expelled an evil spirit.
Jesus healed Simon’s mother-in-law and many others.
Jesus told them that he had to preach in other towns.
Jesus chose some fishermen to be his disciples.
Jesus healed a leper and enabled him to associate with people again.
By healing a paralyzed man Jesus showed that he had authority to forgive sins, too.
Jesus answered criticism about associating with sinful people.
Jesus explained that people could not follow both their old customs and his new teaching.
Jesus explained why he had authority to decide what his disciples should do on the Sabbath day.
Jesus chose twelve apostles.
Jesus taught them which people God would be pleased with and which people he would be displeased with.
Jesus taught how we should act toward those who are not kind to us.
Jesus taught that we should not decide how God should punish others.
Jesus taught that what people do reflects their inner thoughts.
Jesus taught why it is necessary to obey his teaching, not just listen to it.
Jesus healed a man without going to his house because the man’s master believed that Jesus could do that.
Jesus caused a widow’s son to become alive again.
Jesus taught about his ministry and the ministry of John the Baptizer.
Jesus told why he appreciated the sinful woman pouring perfume on his feet.
The list of women who helped Jesus.
The story about four different kinds of soil.
Jesus explained that the story represented different ways people respond to his teaching.
Jesus explained the need to make his truth clear to others.
Jesus told them that some people are as dear to him as his own relatives.
Jesus calmed a storm.
Jesus expelled many demons from a man.
Jesus caused a young girl to become alive again, and healed a woman who had been bleeding for years.
Jesus sent out his apostles to teach and heal people.
Herod was uncertain about who was doing these miracles.
Jesus fed over 5,000 people miraculously.
After Peter expressed his belief that Jesus is the Messiah, Jesus predicted his own death and resurrection.
Jesus talked with Moses and Elijah.
Jesus expelled a demon from a boy.
Jesus told his disciples who is really great in God’s sight.
Jesus told them not to forbid others from expelling demons.
People in a Samaritan town refused to welcome Jesus.
Jesus told three people what it would cost them if they became his disciples.
Jesus instructed 72 other disciples before sending them out.
Jesus warned the unbelievers in three towns.
Jesus commented on their ministry after the 72 returned.
Jesus taught that we must show our love to everyone, even ones we do not like to associate with.
Jesus rebuked Martha for being too concerned about household chores.
Jesus taught his disciples about prayer.
Jesus taught people various things about demons.
Jesus rebuked the people for wanting more miracles.
Jesus rebuked the Jewish leaders for only pretending to be good.
Jesus warned the people not to be like the Pharisees.
Jesus told them not to be afraid to tell others of their faith in him.
Jesus warned them about being greedy.
Jesus told his disciples not to worry about the things that they need.
Jesus told them that they should be ready for his return.
Jesus warned that people would face opposition even within their own families.
Jesus told the people that they needed to settle their relationship with God before it was too late.
Jesus warned people that God would punish them if they did not turn from their sinful lives.
Jesus warned that he would punish the Jews for not showing that they appreciated God’s blessings.
Jesus told a synagogue leader that he was being hypocritical regarding working on the Sabbath.
Jesus gave two illustrations about God’s rule over people’s lives.
Jesus warns that not all people who think that they will go to heaven will go there.
Jesus stated that it was necessary for him to die as a prophet in Jerusalem.
Jesus told the Jewish leaders that they were being hypocritical about not helping people on the Sabbath.
Jesus taught that we should not try to make ourselves seem important.
Jesus taught that we should share with others who cannot repay us.
Jesus taught that many Jews would reject God’s invitation to come to him.
Jesus warned that it would be difficult to be his disciple.
Jesus warned about losing our usefulness to God.
Jesus taught that God is pleased when people turn from their sinful behavior.
Jesus taught the Jewish leaders that they also ought to be glad when people turn from their sinful ways.
Jesus taught that we should handle our money in ways that are pleasing to God.
Jesus taught that God’s laws are permanent.
Jesus warned what would happen to those who did not share their possessions with poor people.
Jesus warned about God punishing those who cause others to sin.
Jesus taught them what big things they could accomplish if they had true faith.
Jesus taught that we should serve God faithfully without expecting to be thanked.
Jesus healed ten lepers, but only a non-Jewish one thanked him.
Jesus taught that God’s rule is within our lives.
Jesus told his disciples that without warning he would return and judge people.
Jesus taught about continuing to believe that God will answer prayer.
Jesus taught about not thinking that we are better than others in God’s sight.
Jesus taught about accepting God’s rule in our lives as easily as little children do.
Jesus taught that rich people do not easily let God rule their lives.
Jesus again predicted his death and resurrection.
Jesus healed a blind man.
Zacchaeus changed his way of life after talking with Jesus.
Jesus taught about being willing to take risks in using what he has given us.
Jesus entered Jerusalem humbly, but like a king.
Jesus prophesied that Jerusalem would be destroyed.
Jesus expelled the merchants from the Temple courtyard, and taught there.
Jesus refused to answer a question about his authority.
Jesus told a parable about how God would punish those who reject him.
Jesus foiled their attempts to trap him when they asked a question about paying taxes.
Jesus foiled their attempt to trap him with a question about the resurrection.
Jesus showed them that the Messiah must be greater than King David.
Jesus warned them not to show off like the teachers of the Jewish laws did.
Jesus taught that God commends people who give to him sacrificially.
Jesus warned about the terrible things that will happen before he returns.
Jesus predicted that Jerusalem would be destroyed.
Jesus told about frightening things that will happen before he returns.
Jesus taught them how to know when his return was near.
Jesus taught how to be ready for his return.
Judas agreed to put Jesus into his enemies’ hands.
Jesus arranged for his disciples to prepare the Passover meal.
Jesus told his disciples how they should remember his death for them.
Jesus taught the apostles that they should imitate him by serving each other humbly.
Jesus predicted that Peter would say that he did not know Jesus.
Jesus warned his disciples that they would soon face opposition.
Luke 22:39-46
Jesus’ enemies captured him.
Peter said three times that he did not know Jesus.
The soldiers made fun of Jesus.
The Jewish leaders asked Jesus about his identity.
Jesus was accused before Pilate, the Roman governor.
After Pilate sent Jesus to Herod, Jesus refused to answer Herod’s questions.
Pilate was unsuccessful in his efforts to set Jesus free.
The soldiers nailed Jesus to a cross.
The things that happened when Jesus died.
Joseph and others buried Jesus while some women watched.
Some women discovered that Jesus had become alive again.
Jesus appeared to two disciples as they were walking to Emmaus.
Jesus appeared to many of his disciples and taught them more and gave them other instructions.
Jesus left his disciples and returned to heaven.