When King David was an old man
Adonijah tried to become the king
David arranged for Solomon to be declared king
Adonijah’s reaction
David’s final instructions before he died
Solomon had Adonijah killed
Solomon requested wisdom
Solomon made a very wise decision concerning two women
Solomon’s governors and officials
Solomon’s kingdom
Solomon’s wisdom
Preparations for building the temple
Solomon’s men built the temple
They built a palace for Solomon
Other things for the temple area
The sacred chest was brought to the temple
Solomon’s prayer
Solomon dedicated the temple
Yahweh’s reply to Solomon’s prayer
Other things that Solomon did
The queen of Sheba visited Solomon
Solomon’s wealth
Solomon’s many wives
Solomon’s enemies
What Yahweh promised to Jeroboam
Solomon died
The ten tribes rebelled against Rehoboam
Jeroboam’s sins
A prophet condemned the altar at Bethel
The old prophet from Bethel
Jeroboam’s son died
Rehoboam died
King Abijah of Judah
King Asa of Judah
King Nadab of Israel
King Baasha of Israel
When Baasha ruled Israel
When Elah ruled Israel
When Zimri ruled Israel
When Omri ruled Israel
When Ahab ruled Israel
Crows fed Elijah
Elijah restored to life the widow’s son
Elijah met with Obadiah
Elijah killed the prophets of Baal
Elijah prayed for rain
Elijah fled to the desert and then to Sinai Mountain
Elijah summoned Elisha
The Syrian army attacked Israel
Ahab’s soldiers won their first victory over the Syrians
Jezebel arranged for Naboth to be killed
Jehoshaphat talked with Ahab
Micaiah prophesied against Ahab
Ahab died in the battle
Jehoshaphat ruled in Judah
Ahaziah ruled in Israel