1 Chronicles
From Adam to Abraham
The Descendants of Abraham
The Descendants of Esau
The Descendants of Seir
The Kings of Edom
The Sons of Israel
The Descendants of David
The Descendants of Solomon
The Royal Line After the Exile
The Descendants of Judah
The Prayer of Jabez
More Descendants of Judah
The Descendants of Simeon
The Descendants of Reuben
The Descendants of Gad
The Half-Tribe of Manasseh
The Descendants of Levi
The Temple Musicians
The Descendants of Aaron
Territories for the Levites
The Descendants of Issachar
The Descendants of Benjamin
The Descendants of Naphtali
The Descendants of Manasseh
The Descendants of Ephraim
The Descendants of Asher
Genealogy from Benjamin to Saul
The Family of Saul
The People of Jerusalem
The Descendants of Saul
Saul’s Overthrow and Death
The Philistines Possess the Towns
Jabesh-gilead’s Tribute to Saul
David Anointed King of All Israel
David Conquers Jerusalem
David’s Mighty Men
The Mighty Men Join David at Ziklag
David’s Army Grows at Hebron
David Fetches the Ark
Uzzah Touches the Ark
David’s Family Grows
Two Victories over the Philistines
Preparing to Move the Ark
The Priests and Levites Carry the Ark
Moving the Ark to Jerusalem
Michal’s Contempt for David
A Tent for the Ark
David’s Psalms of Thanksgiving
Sing to the LORD, All the Earth
Worship before the Ark
God’s Covenant with David
David’s Prayer of Thanksgiving
David’s Triumphs
David’s Officers
David’s Messengers Disgraced
David Defeats Ammon and Aram
The Capture of Rabbah
Battles against the Philistines
David’s Military Census
Judgment for David’s Sin
A Plague on Israel
David Builds an Altar
Preparations for the Temple
Solomon Anointed to Build the Temple
The Divisions of the Levites
The Gershonites
The Kohathites
The Merarites
Levite Duties Revised
Twenty-Four Divisions of Priests
The Rest of the Levites
Twenty-Four Divisions of Musicians
The Divisions of the Gatekeepers
The Treasurers, Officers, and Judges
Twelve Captains for Twelve Months
The Leaders of the Twelve Tribes
David’s Various Overseers
The Counselors
David Commissions Solomon
The Plans for the Temple
Offerings for the Temple
David’s Prayer of Blessing
Solomon Anointed King
David’s Reign and Death